This poor 21 yr old was abducted by a 46 yr old man in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and was chained naked with another young man (23 yrs old). The two young men were beaten and sexually assaulted inside behind closed doors:
"I'm just thankful to be alive and glad to be back home with my family and friends," the man told the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune.
Edward Lanphear, 46, was charged with 12 felonies in the abduction, beating and sexual assault of two young men who police say were chained naked inside his home. He is jailed in lieu of $1 million bond.
The 21-year-old was able to escape from Lanphear's garage in rural Wisconsin Rapids last Tuesday and ran to a nearby home to seek help. Lanphear realized police were on the scene and brought the 23-year-old man from the basement, investigators said.
...According to a criminal complaint, Lanphear picked up the 23-year-old, weary from a night of drinking, as the Wisconsin Rapids man sat at a curb July 4. Lanphear then hit the man over the head and abducted him. He kidnapped the 21-year-old early Tuesday morning after the man got drunk at a local bar and passed out in his truck, the complaint said.
Court records show the Wood County sheriff's department confiscated more than 20 guns, chains, prescription medications, a computer and pornography from Lanphear's home. [SOURCE]
Wow.. People are just nuts. What a perv! I hope he gets what he deserves. My condolences to both families involved.
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