I just read this article this morning.. I was in Cuba with my boyfriend in early May and to tell ya the truth i was scared to see how the Cubans would treat us gays... Anyways, the resort was full of Canadians and everyone was accepting but when going out into the town i had no fears either. This city is surrounded with these gaurds every few feet, so it was safe..
Anyways this story is amazing.. Cuba is getting their first Pride Parade. Good for them. They are moving in the right direction. Being inclusive with the LGBTTQ group is one step closer to crossing out hate...
"Today, Cuba's gays are planning some reform of their own. Working with Florida's Unity Coalition, activists in Cuba have organised the island's first gay pride parade.
Members of the Foundation LGTB Reinaldo Arenas in Memoriam and other groups will participate in the march, according to Unity. They will meet in Havana's Don Quixote park at 10am and march to the Ministry of Justice to deliver a series of demands...For decades under Fidel Castro, Cuban gays were subject to widespread antipathy and government crackdowns, Alvarez and others said. But the community has seen a growing level of tolerance since the 1990s and a lively gay social scene has for years thrived in Havana..."We want to raise awareness but we don't want to provoke a wave of repression against the gay community," says Aliomar Janjaque, gay activist. "If there is a hostile reaction from the government, we will stage a much larger demonstration. We will take to the streets." [SOURCE]