While appearing on Anderson Cooper 360, Rev Al Sharpton felt he had the duty to tell the hunky CNN Anchor that he will be visiting Hell in the afterlife for being who he is. Now from what i know and have been reading, Cooper has never publicly come "out" but is known to be plagued with gay rumours. He was featured on Out Magazine with Jodie Foster as one of the 50 most powerful gays in America. Within the show Rev Sharpton was supposed to be discussing Barak Obama's campaign but felt like there was more to talk about. Read Below:
""I may have some very conservative personal feelings but I feel you have the right to live your life differently," Sharpton said. "I may think that what you do Anderson is gonna put you in Hell, but I’m gonna defend your right to get there." Sharpton appeared on the show with Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins and political journalist Roland Martin. Perkins immediately countered with an offer that he’s going to try and "keep you from going there," but after a moment of obvious blushing, Cooper spoke up for himself, telling Sharpton he’s is personally "not that concerned" about his afterlife." [SOURCE]
Blogs all over are now saying that Sharpton's accusations are some sort of "outing" of the anchor. As for as i can see there has been no comment by Cooper or his team in regards to Sharpton's words. All i can do is laugh. This guy calls him a Reverend. HA HA HA HA.. Oh My.. Lets see who will be judged in the afterlife. I am sure it will not be Cooper!!
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