Seems like the Gay Community in California are in for another fight. If its not the politicians, it's the religous groups. This time it's the Mormons... They are rallying for a full force war against gay marriage in California.
"A letter sent to Mormon bishops and signed by church president Thomas S. Monson and his two top counselors calls on Mormons to donate "means and time" to the ballot measure. A note on the letter dated June 20 says it should be read during church services on June 29, but the letter was published Saturday on several Web sites... The LDS church will work with a coalition of churches and other conservative groups that put the California Marriage Protection Act on the Nov. 4 ballot to assure its passage, the letter states. In May, California's Supreme Court overturned a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, saying gays could not be denied marriage licenses." [Source]
With all of this fighting over who can marry who, you begin to wonder why our world is falling apart...
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