This has created an outcry from all audiences. According to Brian Juergens at AfterElton.com:
"...aside from the obvious cuts for profanity, nudity, and gratuitous use of spit-lube, the network's version of the film cut something that had no reason to be censored: namely, a tender kiss between Ennis (Heath Ledger) and Jack (Jake Gyllenhaal)."
He went on to give some examples of the complaints posted on IMDB.com such as:
"I am absolutely disgusted!!! I'd rather they hadn't shown it at all. F*ck BRAVO! They are HYPOCRITES!"
"But this is a LOVE STORY, for chrissakes -- and yet those hamfisted meatheads hacked out the SECOND NIGHT IN THE TENT?? I suppose some moron thought they needed to "protect the children". What BULLSCHITT!!!"
"I'm sure some random 10-year old from Sandusky, Ohio would be more traumatized by watching 5 minutes of The Real Housewives of Orange County than they would by seeing the pup tent scene from BBM."
The Responses was heard by Bravo and they issued their apologies:
"This was an unfortunate mistake. While editing the film for cable broadcast, the kissing scene in question was removed. The scene will appear in all future airings of Brokeback Mountain on Bravo, as it should have been included in its cable premiere.",
Thats right folks.. Dont mess with the Gays, especially if you are going to edit Brokeback Moutain. SHEEESH
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