"The authorities, who arrested the two men while committing the crime, also seized some alcohol owned by the detainees," according to sabq.com
"The work permit of the two men expired two years ago and their only source of income is through selling alcoholic drinks and working as prostitutes."
Police from the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice unit reportedly found phone numbers of the men’s clients and have passed a report onto the District Attorney.
Gay rights are not recognised in the kingdom and the publication of any material promoting them is banned for its "un-Islamic" themes.
With strict laws restricting unmarried opposite-sex couples, however, and public displays of affection accepted between men, some Westerners have suggested that sharia encourages homosexuality. [SOURCE]
Yikes. I will pray for these guys. Lets hope someone can help them out. It's a shame that things like this happen. Damn!
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