A Gay Man is been worried sick after having his ex-husband kidnap their son and flee to Isreal.
Joshua Glazer (Below with son) and Eric Hyett (Above) married four years ago in Massachusetts. They adopted their son Jedidiah before they broke up and now everything is going downhill for Glazer.
When Hyett picked the boy up last Thursday he asked for two more days because he wanted to take Jedidiah to Boston to visit his grandparents.
Glazer said yes.
“They were supposed to come back by noon Tuesday instead of Sunday,” said Glazer. “But by 12:15, I was already starting to get worried. I knew something was up.” Police said Hyett sent an e-mail to a former attorney for Glazer in which he said he and the boy had arrived safely in Tel Aviv.
He gave his phone number and wrote to Glazer, “You won’t see your son again.” [SOURCE]
This is a story that must be read.. To read it in full CLICK HERE
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