Kellie Telesford’s body was found at her Thornton Heath flat in November after police responded to calls from friends and forced entry into the apartment.
"Kellie Telesford was born in Trinidad, she was aged 39 at the time of her death," Sally O'Neill QC, prosecuting, told the court, according to the CroydonToday.co.uk.
“Although born a man with the name Kayode Dexter Telesford, she was a pre-operative transgender female and lived her life as a woman. him.
Miss O’Neill said that the defendant, 18-year-old Shanniel Hyatt, went back to her flat on the evening of November 17th and, after she had performed oral sex on him, he became angry when he discovered she was a transsexual.
Hyatt told police after his arrest on November 29th that he did not know she was trans woman during the time he spent with her and denied that he had found out at her flat and become violent.
The prosecution claims that Hyatt, who was 17 at the time, strangled her with a brown scarf, covered her body with a towel and stole items including Kellie’s Oyster card, which he used to get the bus home. [SOURCE]
Absolutely disgusting. Although, the murderer says that he didn't strangle her because she was Trans, its still an awful thing to hear in the community. It still sounds fishy though. I think deep down he found out that Kellie was trans and that is why he strangled her but then again i am no prosecutor. RIP Kellie
I am perhaps the only one besides the murderer who knows of Kellys last moments. I have posted on many sites and my experience will amaze you,however it is all too often taken down but is still available on some and you will see how this great honour came about. I am all that Kelly has to defend her and I will keep at it because she is never far from me and will often make her presence known. Now we will skip the findings of the twelve Buffoons many of whom were too young to have had any real life experience and who were Brainwashed by the slanderous Lies,Hypoth`eses and Unfounded Sexual Theories of the Defence not withstanding being pushed to a quick decision by a judge under court time pressure from a near bankrupt court system. I will now take it upon myself to give you a simplified account of Kellies last moments which she has given to me:- On the morning of the 18th of November 2007 at just after 3am in Flat 1,81 Leander Road,Thornton Heath,CR7-6JZ. Hyatt was lying on the bed asleep or most likely pretending to be so. Kelly being tired fell asleep. She was awoken at about 5am by sounds made by Hyatt as he was stripping out her audio visual equipment. She challenged him and he became violent(she never axpected him to kill). He had no mercy and viciously strangled her on the bed. She being sleepy stood little chance. You know the rest,he made off with all that he could carry including the little money that she had in her bag (£10 or so). Kelly would have been prepared to forgive him should justice be seen to be done or an admission be made by him by showing that he had a conscience,but now forgiveness is out of the window because he has gotten off with viciously killing a kind and gentle caring person for the sake of escaping justice having stolen a few items of no real value. He did not even have the excuse of knowing her real gender. Plus the fact that the Lies concocted by the defence and scattered by the Media right across the board have resulted in Slanderous deformation of her character and serious damage to her sparkling reputation adding to the stress placed upon her family at this time of loss. I wonder where her best friends are for they need to be supporting her,all I have seen on Weblogs is mostly clap trap and it sickens me. I can tell you now that Kelly was a person whos true gender did not match her innermost feelings and she loved to be as a woman is and lived it,also she was a very private person and kept herself to herself,on the day that she met Hyatt she felt Lonely and was disgusted at what she did. R.A.Ballard (yelhsa),Nottingham,NG3-6FT,(31)
For later developments espescially regarding Mohammed Saeed Sulima Patel alias Freddy Patel the Charlatan Pathologist see www.kellietelesford.co.uk Yelhsa Ballard. Nottingham.
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