Monday, July 21, 2008


Well isn't this interesting. Americans fight to ban gay marriage but when it comes to shipping gays off to fight in the war they are all for it??? Something does not seem right here.. Does anyone else agree??

ABC News has found that three-quarters of Americans think that openly gay, lesbian and bisexual people should be allowed to serve in the military.

64% of Republicans and nearly two thirds of self-described conservatives backed a change in the current law, as did 57% of white evangelical Protestants and 82% of white Catholics.

It was Republican opposition that forced then-President Bill Clinton to abandon his pledge to allow gay people to serve and signed into law the compromise known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." [SOURCE]

I am reading this and I really can't get over it. Read the whole story and post comments if you think it sounds suspicious too. If they are allowed to fight for their country then i think those who oppose gay marriage should just stuff it!

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