Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Olympic Swimmer Ian Thorpe has be swarmed with gay rumours ever since he showed up on the scene. I am not sure why the rumours.. maybe its because he is a swimmer? Always in Speedos? I am not too sure..

Anyways, reports come in stating the swimmer is now dating a woman across the world. Hmmm.. why such a long distance romance?? Suspicious?? Nah!!

For years, probably since his appearance at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, many have been speculating, and most gay men have been hoping, that the Thorpedo—gold medal winner Ian Thorpe—was indeed a homo. Well, don’t count on it.

This past weekend, in an interview with Australian paper The Sunday Telegraph, Thorpe was again vague about the gender of his new significant other. When asked if there was someone special in his life he said, "There is, but they don’t live in this country."

That interview had the web buzzing that Thorpe might finally reveal more details about his private life, which he has famously kept to himself, probably part of the reason for the homospeculation.

On Monday, however, all our Thorpe dreams were finally laid to rest.

Web site reports that, in an interview with Women’s Day, Thorpe finally revealed the gender of his new love interest.

"I am in a new relationship and I am very happy; except she lives on the other side of the world." Thorpe told the magazine.

"It’s very cool, but we want to see how it goes. She’s a friend of a friend and we were introduced. She has all the qualities that are most important to me." [SOURCE]

Well i guess that squashes a lot of peoples dreams of getting with Thorpe the Torpedo. One can still dream.

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