Monday, July 21, 2008


OH MY GOODNESS... This has made my Monday.. Just look how golden brown the dude is.. Its nuts. I am kinda worried though.. This guy does a lot of tanning.. so i am super scared of what his skin is gonna look like in 10 years.. Well, Who Cares!! As long as we can enjoy more pics like these.. MUHAHAHAHAAHA

When it comes to sunshine, just like pretty ladies, Cristiano Ronaldo can't seem to get enough.

The Manchester United star spent yet another day reclining on a sun lounge at his luxury LA hotel, topping up a tan that has already reached a rather startling shade of orange.

Ronaldo looked right at home in Hollywood as he smothered himself in baby oil for the latest baking session, regularly rotating to ensure an all-over colour.

The injured star was recovering poolside from yet another night on the town, where he was again spotted trawling clubs for female companions.

He hit popular celebrity haunt Villa on both Friday and Saturday night, where onlookers say he was busy 'auditioning' girls. [SOURCE]

Look how gorgeous he is.. From head to toe.. Damn!! Hope ur enjoying ur Monday! SWEET!!

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