Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Here is a funny one for ya.. Found this article at According to a website, the author believes the new poster for Saw V featuring a man wearing a mask of the dead Saw Dude, has some sort of hidden msg for the Gays.. Wait Wait.. You really have to see what the message is:

…Has Lionsgate turned to using Homosexual Subliminal Messages in their advertising? Perhaps they feel the need to attract a new type of audience for the film to succeed.
The Saw V teaser poster featured a shirtless man wearing a Jigsaw mask, but if you crop the bottom out, you will notice it looks like a hairy ass. And who doesn’t love them some hairy man ass?

I can’t believe Lionsgate has resorted to such cheap tactics, or maybe I applaud them - I’m not quite sure yet. [SOURCE]

What do you guys think? Hairy Ass? HA HA HA

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