Michigan’s hate crime law would expand to include intimidation of gays and lesbians and people with disabilities, and would make hanging a noose or burning a cross on someone else’s property specific crimes, under changes urged by civil rights groups today.
Those changes will be put on a fast track in the House next month, said Rep. Paul Condino, D-Southfield, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He said he would introduce a bill today to strengthen the state’s ethnic intimidation law.
Condino said the hate crime law changes will be debated during the Legislature’s lame-duck session this fall. He said the proposed changes would toughen Michigan’s hate crime law and bring it in line with those of 31 other states.
The changes are supported by a wide array of civil rights organizations and law enforcement. [SOURCE]
I am honestly surprised that gays still are fighting to be included in Hate Crimes in the U.S.! That's nuts! Its like they are saying their not equal enough to be saved from hate.. Whatever.. That makes my blood boil..
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