due to safety concerns.. Bah!!
A research trial for the PAVE-100 AIDS vaccine planned in the U.S. has been cancelled over concerns that additional research is needed to prove the vaccine is safe before it is tested on a large number of human subjects.
A similar vaccine from Merck was pulled from research trials last year after it failed to prevent infections and was found to have possibly increased recipients’ chances of contracting HIV.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) planned to test the PAVE-100 vaccine in 2,400 male volunteers at a cost of around $63 million, according to HealthNews.com.
Originally, the PAVE (Partnership for AIDS Vaccine Evaluation) vaccine was intended to be tested in 8,500 volunteers last October.
However, the trial was suspended after the failure of a similar HIV vaccine from Merck.
The Merck HIV vaccine was pulled from research trials last year after failing to prevent infections in research participants and failing to lower the amount of HIV in the blood of infected volunteers. [SOURCE]
That sucks. I feel like this disease may be upon us for some time. Like Cancer, it just seems impossible for a cure. I dunno, deep down I feel like its a conspiracy with the U.S. government trying to save researcher jobs and funding for these diseases. I mean a lot of money goes into these researches for a cure and nothing?? Hmmm.. Gets me thinking every time.
Hopefully one day.. We will have a cure.. For now.. Play Safe! I am out! have a great HUMP DAY everyone.
AIDS appears to be preventable by consuming extra selenium supplements. The symptoms of AIDS are similar to scurvy, berr berri and pellagra, all of which are diseases, once though to be caused by bugs, but actually only able to flourish in its victims due to the deficiencies in diets. Senagal Africa has almost no AIDS, South Africa has plenty. Senegal has high levels of selenium in its soil, SA has little. Populations of both countries are tardy in their use of condoms, and promiscuous. Acid rain depletes selenium in soil and probably contributes to its reduced availability in the food chain.
Selenium is antioxidant, good for the heart and prevents many cancers. People dying on their death bed with AIDS get up and return to work, a few weeks after taking selenium. 400 mcg per day will do the trick. Go check, and don't worry about AIDS medicines, thats just bullshit that the medical establishment fear will embarrass the medical establishment and reduce the money swilling around for grants.
Thanks Sash for the comment. Very interesting stuff!
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