Monday, July 28, 2008


Over at, they sat down with Steven from Big Brother 10 for a little Q&A and see what is brewing in the mind of this season's gay competitor. The interviews goes on about his arguements with Libra to his friendship with Brian. Its actually a good read and you actually get to know more of the guy since he got kicked out quite early in the game. Here is a little tid bit of what the interview looked like:

AfterElton: You stirred up some early controversy when the live feed viewers saw you refer to Libra as “that colored girl”, a term many people find antiquated and insensitive. How would you respond to those who felt that wasn’t your best moment in the house?

Steven Daigle: Wow. Again, I haven’t seen anything so I’m guessing that was taken out of context and I’d love to clarify that real quick. Not to condemn anybody else in the house, but basically the story goes Jerry kept forgetting Libra’s name and kept referring to her as “the colored girl” and I was telling someone – we were actually discussing the fact that someone needed to sit down with him and talk to him and tell him that he probably needed to watch what he was saying, that saying “That colored girl” was probably not a proper way to refer to Libra.
If he can’t remember her name he should not say anything. I hope I don’t come off that way. I’m definitely am guilty of sometimes stereotyping people but I would not have gone around calling Libra “that colored girl”.

[Editor's note: Clips from the live feed clearly show Steven referring to Libra as "that colored girl".]

Oh the interviw is good. To read the rest of it CLICK HERE

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